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Battlegroup Panzer Grenadier (1st Edition)

By: Partizan Press

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Historical Miniature Rules - WWI & WWII (Partizan Press)

Last Stocked on 5/22/2021

Product Info

Battlegroup Panzer Grenadier (1st Edition)
Dave Brown
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Battlegroup Panzer-Grenadier rules are designed to cover WW2 engagements ranging from small company combats to Battlegroup level actions. The rules aim to reproduce the challenges presented by tactical combat throughout the 1939-45 war, while also permitting the use of the vast array of vehicles and equipment that supported the infantryman throughout the conflict. The basic game tactical unit is therefore the infantry section or squad supported by armored fighting vehicles, artillery and ground attack aircraft. The rules are written for use with 15mm or 20mm figures, though should work perfectly well for smaller scales.

The Second World War is certainly one of the most difficult conflicts to reproduce within a set of wargames rules especially if one considers the multiplicity of differing fronts, combatants and equipments used. Due to this the approach of the rules has been two fold.

First simplicity, for without this players become bogged down in a myriad of charts covering every conceivable situation. Thus the rules are not overly concerned as to whether a certain tank must have higher armor factor because it has an extra bolt on its frontal armor or whether a certain gun could penetrate an extra millimeter of armor at such and such a range. After all it's not just good equipment that wins wars, it's good training combined with good command and control that usually triumphs, Germany's victory in France 1940 being one example. However genuine differences between infantry types and armored vehicles that directly affect the tactical situation are reflected.

Secondly the rules attempt to deliver an effective command and control system based at the tactical level. Orders are issued via the Battlegroup HQ, assisted by Infantry Company and Armored Regimental command units. Combat groups, usually lead by command units such as platoon or AFV squadron commanders, then execute these orders. The command and control concept is based on the “command die” principle, (so successfully developed by the Wargames Research Group) with national capability, the tactical situation and luck providing each HQ with a finite number of Command Orders that may be issued per game turn. Thus unrealistic situations where every single unit on the wargames table is permitted to move and fire are avoided and the player is forced to make command decisions as to where he will concentrate his effort for that turn.

Includes quick reference section, unit markers, templates and army lists plus 2 scenarios: Counter Attack at Mtsensk - October 1941 (German v Russian) and Action at Cintheaux - Normandy 1944 (German v Allied).