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Planar Chaos - Endless March

By: Wizards of the Coast

Type: Collectible Card Game (Deck)

Product Line: MTG - Theme Decks - Time Spiral

red, white

Last Stocked on 7/22/2016

Product Info

Planar Chaos - Endless March
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Age Range
13 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players


For the creatures in the “Endless March” deck, the battle never ends—and they wouldn’t have it any other way. This deck revolves around the interaction of vanishing and “rescue.” It’s an ideal match: When a vanishing creature gets low on time counters, play a rescue creature and return it to your hand. You can replay it fully restocked with time counters!

Your rescue creatures do more than return your Calciderms to your hand. If you rescue Mogg War Marshal, you’ll get another Goblin token when you replay it. If you rescue Icatian Javelineers, it’ll come back with a fresh javelin counter. A rescue creature with flash can save a creature after combat damage has been assigned, or after it’s been targeted by a spell that will destroy it.

Don’t be afraid to rescue your own rescue creatures! If you play Dust Elemental, you can return Dust Elemental itself plus two of your other creatures to your hand. Now Dust Elemental is ready for more rescuing, and the other creatures are ready to come back into play, good as new.