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Seven Leagues

By: Malcontent Games

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Seven Leagues

Product Info

Seven Leagues
Product Line
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


In Seven Leagues, you assume the role of a fairy-tale character—not just those of the classic stories of Perrault or Fontaine, but also inspired by modern tales of enchantment, from magical realism to gothic urban magick. Your character will enjoy powers and limitations well beyond those of the Mortals telling her stories—the only limit is your imagination.

Seven Leagues uses an extremely simple system of character creation based on words and narration. If you have a little imagination, can write a grocery list, and can add to 13, you can make a character in about 5 minutes. Roll 13, Seven Leagues' elegant action system, rewards good descriptions, not nitpicking over complex rules.

This is a genre which calls for simple, evocative rules. Seven Leagues is designed to use collaborative storytelling and narration as the basis for its mechanics as much as possible. This is a game of the paradoxical imaginings of tellers of fairy tales—be they modern or classic.

Seven Leagues is divided into three sections. Once Upon a Time... outlines the mechanics of character creation and game play, and includes seven sample characters for Players and Narrators alike to use as templates or inspiration. The Hut on Chicken Legs discusses the Faerie world and the kinds of adventures to be found there, and includes several sample Antagonists. Finally, the Tales gives the beginning Narrator a place to start—don't read these adventures if you plan on being a Player.