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#3 w/48th Panzerkorps - Battles on the River Chir (2nd Edition)
James Zoldak
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After a two-week offensive, Soviet Operation Uranus had wrapped all the way around the Axis forces concentrated at Stalingrad on the Volga River, pocketing the entire German Sixth Army and most of two Romanian and one Italian armies. The German field command had already begun to recover from the rupture of the front. Small pockets of German troops (some fighting forces, some railroad engineers, some walking wounded, some cooks) had stabilized the local situation wherever possible. At one point east of Novomaksimovskiy, German forces still held positions east of the Don River and less than 40 kilometers from the German lines of the Stalingrad Pocket.

As the German command threw forces to reinforce the paper-thin front line, it also created two small, but powerful, armored forces with which it sought to break the siege on the Volga: the 48th Panzer Korps and the 57th Panzer Korps. Separately, these forces fought ferocious battles in their efforts to relieve Stalingrad. These battles are still studied by military professionals as classic learning situations for mobile armored warfare.

Designer James Zoldak created a great board wargame in 48th PANZER KORPS Battles on The River Chir. The system mechanics are clean, the game plays quickly, the simulation of warfare is accurate. Both players need to use their various units -- armor, infantry, artillery -- in situations that take maximum advantage of their combat strengths while minimizing the exposure of their combat weaknesses. As in all modern warfare, the outcome will be decided by combined arms, by clear operational vision, and ... by the luck that favors the brave.

48th PANZER KORPS Battles on The River Chir contains:
• one 22" by 34" map;
• 200 die-cut 1/2" counters;
• 12 pages of rules and historical commentary;
• CounterAttack Folio Format