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Tiger Starfuries

By: Mongoose Publishing

Type: Miniatures Pack

Product Line: Babylon 5 - A Call to Arms - Earth Alliance

2 flights, 6 figures per flight

Last Stocked on 3/13/2018

Product Info

Tiger Starfuries
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Miniatures Pack


The humble Starfury has had many incarnations and developments in its history, which is almost as long as that of the Earth Alliance itself. From its first beginnings as the Flying Fox/Starfox fighter, made notable by the efforts of the Belt Alliance, through to the very latest Thunderbolt variant, there is far more to the Starfury than the common Aurora model seen on most battlefields in A Call to Arms. Here we present one of the Aurora’s predecessors, the Tiger Starfury, a bulky but reliable design that saw a great deal of success in the Dilgar War against its main opponent, the Thorun Dartfighter.

The first of the ‘true’ Starfuries, when it was first built the Tiger represented a significant shift in fighter design philosophy for the Earth Alliance, incorporating features, such as the maneuver jets on an x-foil wing section that would remain common to Starfuries for many years into the future. Though replaced by the Nova Starfury during the Dilgar War, the smaller Tiger made good account of itself against alien fighters and its combination of missile rack and plasma cannon gave it credible teeth.

This blister pack contains four flights of Tiger Starfuries.