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By: Mongoose Publishing

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Babylon 5 - A Call to Arms - Core & Assorted

MSRP old price: $24.95

Product Info

Matthew Sprange
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


It was the dream of Sheridan and Delenn that the coming of the new Interstellar Alliance would bring a new age of peace and prosperity to the stars. Instead, the galaxy became a far more dangerous place. . .

Welcome to Armageddon, the latest supplement for A Call to Arms, the game of space combat in the universe of Babylon 5. This is a major update to the game, packed full of new rules, new ships and some tweaks suggested by all our fans on the Call to Arms forums. You will find Armageddon brings new excitement to your games, as well as some truly powerful ships.

Part One – New Rules
This supplement brings a new Priority Level to your games – Armageddon, allowing you to field the most powerful ships yet seen in the galaxy. There are also new rules for Stealth, Energy Mines and Auxiliary Craft, inspired by comments made by players over the past year, all designed for you to get the greatest tactical edge in the game.

Part Two – The Earth Alliance
The Earth Alliance is blessed with an abundance of ship designs. In order to get the fleet list down to more manageable levels, we have split the Earth Alliance into three time periods spread across the Babylon 5 timeline, replacing that found in Sky Full of Stars – the Early Years, the Third Age and the Crusade Era. Each is a viable fleet list with its own selection of ships. Join the efforts of Earth as it first reaches for the stars, or enjoy the fruits of the latest technologies as humanity begins to build some of the finest warships to leave spacedocks.

Part Three - Armageddon
The other fleets of the game have not been forgotten either. The Crusade Era brought a rush of technologies for all races who joined the Interstellar Alliance, though not the co-operation Sheridan had hoped for. From the powerful Narn Ka’Bin’Tak to a re-jigged Victory, you will find a host of new ships to take advantage of the new Armageddon Priority Level. As a special treat, we have also included new lists for the Shadows and Vorlons that also use the new Priority Level, and full rules for using the ships of the Ancients – be warned, they can crush entire fleets!

Part Four – Scenarios and FAQ
Finally, we have included a selection of new scenarios for you to test your tactical mettle, in addition to the entire A Call to Arms FAQ. Garnered from questions raised by fans on our web site forums, this chapter examines various aspects of the game system and gives definitive answers!