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Last Stocked on 10/17/2007

Product Info

Volume #3 - Fantasy
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Hear the orcs charge! Hear the wizard cast his fireball spell! Hear the eerie mystic sounds of the enchanted forest!

"Fantasy" contains over fifty sound effects based in the swords and sorcery tradition.

1. Sword draw :04
2. Sword draw - magic :10
3. Sword hits shield :04
4. Sword hits shield w/bindup :04
5. Sword hits armor :04
6. Sword into flesh :04
7. Arrow release - single :04
8. Arrow release - multiple :04
9. Arrow flyby - single :04
10. Arrow flyby - multiple :04
11. Arrow hits shield :04
12. Arrow hits armor :04
13. Arrow into flesh :04

14. Sword fight - single :21
15. Rapier fight - single :1:12
16. Battle - small :55
17. Battle - large :1:11
18. Battle - large with orcs :52
19. Battle - in dungeon w/orcs :37
20. Cavalry charge :29

Fantasy Creatures & Magic
21. Orc - single - hollers :04
22. Orc - single “halt” :04
23. Orc - single “what’s the password?” :04
24. Orc charge :21
25. Dragon - in cave :58
26. Dragon - growls :25
27. Dragon - breathes fire :07
28. Spell - fireball :11
29. Spell - lightning bolt :20
30. Blessing :07

31. Horse - canter - single :08
32. Horse - gallop -single :07
33. Horse - walk - group :13
34. Horse - canter - group :08
35. Horse - gallop - group :07
36. Horse - with Knight :14

37. Village 3:00
38. City - busy, with merchants 3:00
39. Inn/Tavern 3:09
40. Smithy 3:00
41. Church 2:02
42. Stockade 1:17
43. Torture Chamber 2:33
44. Ship - calm seas 3:00
45. Ship - rough seas 3:00
46. Wilderness 3:00
47. Mountains 3:00
48. Enchanted Forest 3:00
49. Haunted Forest 3:00
50. Dungeon 2:59

51. Gladiatorial Games :46
52. Public Torture 1:36
53. Sacrifice 1:04
54. Commedia dell ‘arte 2:01
55. Fanfare :11
56. Gregorian Chant 1:18