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Rzhev '42

By: HPS Simulations

Type: Software (unboxed)

Product Line: Computer War Games - Panzer Campaigns


MSRP old price: $49.95

Product Info

Rzhev '42
John Tiller
NKG Part #


In late 1942, Marshal Zhukov made plans for the annihilation of the German 9th Army at Rzhev, while most of the world's attention was focused at Stalingrad. "Operation Mars" called for the attack and pinching off of the German salient, but was to be his greatest defeat. Rzhev '42 allows the player to recreate this massive battle which threatened the existence of Army Group Center.

• 1-kilometer hexes, 2-hour turns, with a master map measuring approximately 180 by 200 kilometers. Over 3,500 units represent the German and Soviet forces in this Winter Offensive, mainly at battalion and company level.
• Players control tank, reconnaissance, artillery, infantry, engineer, antitank, flak, rocket, headquarters, and a wide variety of other specialized units.
• 29 historically based scenarios are included, with several "what-if" scenarios. There are several grand historical scenarios with the complete campaign lasting 200 turns.
• Rzhev '42 can be viewed and played in either 2d or 3d mode. A new "quick play" feature allows the computer AI's turn to resolve ten times the previous speed, allowing for much faster play.
•New "storm" feature that can result in snow storms during the course of the battle, which greatly affects the fighting ability of both sides
• Supports single person play against the computer, two-person hot-seat, two-person Play-By-E-Mail, and multiplayer network play over LANs and the Internet.
• Comes with Main Program, full-featured Scenario Editor, and Order of Battle Editor.
• Complete on-line Help documentation plus on-line printable documentation in Microsoft Word format.

System Requirements:
• Pentium-based 200mhz+ PC with 32 megabytes of RAM.
• 250 megabytes of hard drive space
• Windows 98/ME/XP operating system.
• DirectX 8.1+ is required and will install if not already present and not superseded. Win95 is no longer supported.