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Last Stocked on 8/25/2022

Product Info

Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Age Range
10 Years and Up
# Players
2 - 6 Players
Game Length
20 Minutes


Deep in the BIRDZNEST NEBULA a race of space faring BIRDZ rocket from their planets in to space. ASTROBIRDZ begin exploring the stars on their many types of nanotechnology sports boards. Soon they discover the element ZOOMINIUM and begin spicing their food and drink with the rare substance. The ZOOMINIUM transforms them into ultra powerful BERZERKERBIRDZ, allowing them to do amazing feats. Eventually other races discover the BIRDZ and their planets, but that's another game. In the Astrobirdz card game, you decide how many tricks you can perform with the hand of cards you've been givne. Each round your high cards equal fantastic sport board tricks you're trying to perform to gain all the trick cards for that round. Each turn you draw from one of the six foil BERZERKERBIRDZ cards and use their powers to help you win the contrest. This edition of the ASTROBIRDZ card game includes a full color deck of 54 cards, 6 foil BERZERKERBIRDZ cards, an ASTROBIRDZ fingerboards, a score pad, and a set of rules. The Astrobirdz card game is a game of strategy and skill as you use the cards you've been dealt to perform as many tricks successfully as possible. The game is great fun for two to six players, ages 10 and up. Each game takes from 20 to 40 minutes depending on how many players there are in the game.