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Last Stocked on 8/15/2024

Product Info

#3 w/Whamgammon
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


About the Cover
Issue 3 of Crusader brings the work of Mitch Faust to the Troll Dens. This is the first cover we've commissioned from Mitch and he's done a great job. You can see more of his work at his own website here.

Special Features
Whamgamman!!! A new game by Tom Wham! The game is played very much like regular backgammon. The first player to get all of his pieces off his home board is the winner. Unlike normal backgammon, there are no safe spaces. When your piece(s) lands in the same space as an opponent's piece(s), they do battle until one side controls the space and the other (or both) has been sent back to the bar.

Regular Columns
Alea Iacta Est. This month, "The Splatter Affect, or, the Art of Mastering the Game." Stephen Chenault explores the various nuances of keeping players involved!

Gary Gygax's "How it all Happened!" Enjoy the second installment of tales from the days of old!

Sure to stir you up is the Castle Keeper's Bill of Rights. In Hammer and Anvil Casey Canfield hammers out the rights of the most oppressed and abused of gamers (said with a nudge and a wink!

In Auld Wyrmish Mike Stewart presents us with Tarot Arcanum a new magical deck of cards, or a quicker way to die.