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Product Info

Pas de Calais
John Schettler
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Boxed Game
Age Range
12 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players
Game Length
240 Minutes


This is the first game of the Westwar series. Other games using a similar system are Tide of Fortune, To the Far Shore and the Italian Campaign series (Sicily, Anzio, Salerno, Medwar).

"In 1944 the Germans expected Patton to lead the cross-channel attack at Calais. They were right..." Pas de Calais features the hypothetical Allied invasion of France at Calais in 1944, as well as the planned Allied operations "Sledgehammer" and "Roundup" of 1943, against the historical German defenses. Pas de Calais also allows for a wide variety of scenarios which players may design to their own liking.

Scale is 1-2 days/turn (variable because of the Impulse system), 3 km/hex. Units are regiments/brigades.

The game has 2 19"x27" maps, 300 counters.

The heart of the system is the Operations phase where players alternate activating formations (divisions) which execute Orders (Assault, Advance, Maneuver etc.).

Players bid for Initiative and there are possibilities for the Reaction player to foil the initiative player's moves by having units react and do spoiling attacks.

Losses can be applied to the HQ of a formation, not only directly to units.

Low counter density, high maneuver. Medium-high complexity.