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D-Day - America Invades

By: Avalon Hill

Type: Software (boxed)

Product Line: Computer Games (Avalon Hill)

PC/Mac CD-Rom

Product Info

D-Day - America Invades
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Third in the World at War series, D-Day: America Invades is based on the original Utah Beach game and features the successful World at War game system.. D-Day: America Invades includes all new graphics, updated troop data and maps, and seven historical scenarios to cover the battle of the 'bocage' (hedgerows) on the American Utah and Omaha beach front from June 7, 1944 (D-Day +1) to July 2, as well as the bloody battle for St. Lo and the initial breakout of Operation Cobra later in July. Two of the scenarios explore German counter-attacks against the American beachhead, and the German player has six "What-If" variants to help strengthen his positions in Normandy.

Outstanding Features:
Stunning SVGA Graphics
Full-Featured play via E-Mail
Solitaire and 2-Player Options
Leading Edge AI
Cross Platform Play-PC and MAC.
Simple but powerful user interface
Specifications: Available for Macintosh and Power Macintosh color systems. 5 MB RAM, CD-ROM, hard disk, and System 7.0 or better.
Specifications: Available for IBM PC or compatible, 386 or better, 8 Mb RAM, CD-ROM, hard disk, SVGA-VESA color graphics, and mouse. Supports AdLib, Sound Blaster or compatible, and Roland sound cards.