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Fury of Dracula (2nd Edition)

By: Fantasy Flight Games

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Board Games - Fantasy (Fantasy Flight Games)

MSRP old price: $59.95

Price Reduced

Product Info

Fury of Dracula (2nd Edition)
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Boxed Game
Age Range
10 Years and Up
# Players
2 - 5 Players
Game Length
120 - 180 Minutes


Fury of Dracula is a gothic board game of cunning, terror, and deduction. It is playable by 2-5 players in 2-4 hours.

It is 1898. Eight years ago, the most evil Count Dracula traveled to London in a bid to create an empire of Un-Dead! In this he was stopped by a small band of God-fearing people who managed to thwart his plans and destroy him within the very shadow of Castle Dracula itself. Or so they thought …

Somehow the Lord of Vampires has survived to plot his terrible revenge upon an unsuspecting living world. And now, nearly a decade later, he is abroad once more spreading his vile plague. This time, however, he has learned from his past mistakes and is acting with even greater cunning than before.

Many scientific men do not understand the terrible force behind the recent spate of mysterious deaths, but there are a few who do. Of this handful, four have joined together once more, bound by oath, to finish properly a job started eight years ago. This time Count Dracula will be destroyed!

But Dracula is no fool. He will not be an unwitting target this time. There is an old score to settle and the Count has vowed that the mortal fools shall know the Fury of Dracula!

Fury of Dracula includes:

• 1 Rule Book
• 1 Game Board
• 5 Plastic Miniatures
• 1 Dracula Sheet
• 1 Dracula Reference Map
• 4 Hunter Sheets
• 2 White Hunter Dice
• 1 Black Dracula Die
• 1 Red Train Die
• 220 Cards
• 75 Event Cards (25 Dracula,50 Hunter)
• 70 Dracula Location Cards
• 40 Item Cards
• 5 Reference Cards
• 12 Hunter Tactics Cards
• 8 Dracula Tactics Cards
• 5 Agent Tactics Cards
• 5 Dracula Power Cards
• 81 Cardboard Tokens/Markers
• 45 Encounter Markers
• 15 Blood Tokens
• 4 Health Markers
• 4 Bite Tokens
• 3 Heavenly Host Markers
• 1 Consecrated Ground Marker
• 3 Continue Markers
• 2 Time Markers
• 1 Roadblock Marker
• 1 Dracula Vampire Marker
• 1 Hunter Resolve Marker
• 1 Day/Night Marker