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#23 "Confrontation Scenario - Storm of the Forest"

By: Griffin Miniatures

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Harbinger Magazine

MSRP old price: $6.00

Product Info

#23 "Confrontation Scenario - Storm of the Forest"
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In this issue:

SAVAGE WORLDS SKIRMISH RULES PART 2 – Vehicles rules including the wheeled variety, the flying variety and the legged variety as well as a host of handily-printable blast and turning templates. Add some vehicular chaos to your game!

BATTLEGROUND, AMBUSH NEAR THORN WOOD – An ambush scenario featuring the Orc and Hawk armies. Battleground just gets better and better and with scenarios like this on offer the possibilities for intricate strategy gaming are endless.

CONFRONTATION, WOLFEN VS DIRZ – Graham Clarke takes a closer look at the awesome new Starter and Initiation sets for Confrontation – a quick, easy and amazingly cheap way to start playing.

STORM OF THE FOREST, A CONFRONTATION SCENARIO – A two-part scenario in which the Sessairs attempt to rescue a kidnapped Druid from the clutches of the fearsome Drunes.

WARGODS, PAINTING A SIAMESE BATTLE-CAT! – Marike Reimer, Crocodile Games’ incredibly talented in-house painter (just see her winning entries in the Gencon painting tournaments in the last issue), gives you an in depth tutorial in painting the cat-people. And let’s face it: This is the official word in painting Basti!

HOLD THE LINE – A Full Thrust scenario by Phil Walling. Following on from last month’s scenario (but able to be played as a stand-alone) this month sees an ESU fleet attempting to destroy a jumpgate with NAC desperately on the defence.

MASTERCLASS PAINTING, SETIING THE SCENE – Tammy Haye takes a look at decorative basing in an article packed with tips, tricks and techniques for mastering this often overlooked side to miniature painting. She also shows you how you can take what you’ve learned up a notch and apply the techniques to dioramas and scenic settings.

STEP BY STEP, PAINTING ROGUE TROOPER – Kevin Dallimore brings you the tricks and techniques used to bring 2000AD’s mean, blue fightin’ machine to life.

SPOTLIGHT ON, DARKSON DESIGNS – Take a closer look at the company that brought us the Painting Guide and their new line of Alternate WWII miniatures.

PLUS – News reviews, previews and you very own painted minis in the showcase section!