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Last Stocked on 5/10/2006

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Monsters! Is a table-top wargame which puts the player in control of one or more giant kaiju beasts. The object of the game is to crush your opponents and destroy the structures of Stomp City. Each monster is created by spending character points. A player can spend points on statistics such as Strength and Coordination. A player can also buy his monster special attacks, such as atomic breath or a shocking grasp, or make his creation invulnerable to a certain type of attack. Extra points can be gained by making a monster more vulnerable to a specific type of assault, such as electricity. In combat, monsters can choose to do killing damage or stun damage. Stun damage is easier to inflict and deteriorates the enemy's effectiveness in battle while killing damage is more lethal, but harder to inflict. Diferent scenarios with set objectives are also given, such as Tag-team Monsters, King of Monster Island, and a domination scenario where a monster tries to control as much of the map as possible.