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Last Stocked on 6/25/2008

Product Info

Kaiju (1st Edition)
Bruce Dowrie
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Kaiju is a territorial strategy board game utilizing the Guild's Empires of History Axis & Allies variant game system. In Kaiju, players assume control of one of four different factions: Play Japan and try to defend your nation from giant Kaiju stomping through your cities, from the alien invaders trying to conquer your lands, and from the mythical Atlantean invaders. Play the Kaiju from Monster Island and rampage through Japan's cities and battle against mechanized war machined and mecha kaiju, alien flying sourcers and other kaiju. Play the alien invaders from Planet Z and try to conquer Japan while using your technology against the rampaging kaiju and mysterious Atlanteans. Or play the Atlanteans from the underworld and come forth in the world to conquer Japan and battle Kaiju and aliens alike. In Kaiju, each faction must compete for dominion using cutthroat diplomacy and tactics to achieve victory.