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Allenby's Blitzkrieg - The Last Cavalry Crusade

By: Schutze Games

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: War Games - DTP (Schutze Games)

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Allenby's Blitzkrieg - The Last Cavalry Crusade
Peter Schutze
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Please note that this is a DTP (Desk Top Publishing) game designed on a desktop computer and all components, including the counters which will have to be cut and mounted, are printed on paper. These are designed by some very well-known designers and are a low cost alternative to today's professionally produced games. On rare occasions, some of these games are reproduced by other companies with higher quality components including die-cut counters but most of them are not. If you believe this game to have a professionally produced version, please contact us with your inquiry and we will help you to locate it if it does indeed exist.

This is a 2-player game on the last great horse cavalry campaign in history. The game covers the first 48 hours of the offensive launched by General Edmund Allenby's army on the 19th September 1918 in northern Palestine (now Isreal).

The battle commenced just before dawn on the 19th after a brilliant deception operation that ensured that the Turks were out of place. It pitted a British army consisting mostly of Indian and Australian troops against the Ottoman Turks.

The speed at which the British army's mounted units moved and the distances they covered during the 48 hours and immediately afterwards, exceeded the best efforts of the Germans in any of their WW2 "Blitzkriegs."

* 11x17-inch map representing northern Palestine.
* 154 double-sided counters on a sticker sheet showing the forces controlled by each player and markers.
* One rulebook