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Bushido Denied - The Battles of Bataan and Corregidor

By: Schutze Games

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: War Games - DTP (Schutze Games)

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Product Info

Bushido Denied - The Battles of Bataan and Corregidor
Paul Rohrbaugh
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Please note that this is a DTP (Desk Top Publishing) game designed on a desktop computer and all components, including the counters which will have to be cut and mounted, are printed on paper. These are designed by some very well-known designers and are a low cost alternative to today's professionally produced games. On rare occasions, some of these games are reproduced by other companies with higher quality components including die-cut counters but most of them are not. If you believe this game to have a professionally produced version, please contact us with your inquiry and we will help you to locate it if it does indeed exist.

Bushido Denied is a wargame of the WWII campaign fought for the control of the Philippine Islands from January to May, 1942. The Japanese player is attempting to wrest control of the Bataan Peninsula and the Corregidor Island fortress from the American player as quickly and efficiently as possible. The Japanese 14th Army high command thought the entire Philippine campaign would last 4-6 weeks. Instead the campaign lasted nearly 6 months.

Although these battles resulted in the only time an entire American Army, with over 76,000 men surrendered, the Japanese victory was a phyric one. General Matsuharu Homma never again held a field command. American and Filipino valor denied the Japanese the quick and decisive victory they planned.

* 2 different 11x17-inch maps represent the battlefields of the Bataan peninsula and Corrigedor island
* 2 sheets totaling 280 double-sided counters (one for Bataan and the other for Corrigedor) showing the forces controlled by each player and markers.
* One rulebook
* 3 Charts and table sheets