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#20 "Metal vs. Plastic, Arena of Death Part II, Rezolution - Enter the Ronin"

By: Griffin Miniatures

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Harbinger Magazine

Last Stocked on 4/16/2024

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#20 "Metal vs. Plastic, Arena of Death Part II, Rezolution - Enter the Ronin"
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CONFRONTATION, KELTS OF THE SESSAIRS CLAN PART 2 – Graham Clarke brings you part 2 of his closer look at Rackham’s Kelts, their Heroes and practical army building.

WARMACHINE, BATTLE REPORT – Moray Grant and John Sinclair pit Stryker and Magnus against each other in a grudge match of epic proportions.

WARGODS, FIELDS OF BATTLE – A treasure trove of scenario ideas from Crocodile Games, never be caught short for a good setting again!

ENTER THE RONIN – A Rezolution scenario, a Ronin crew must stealth their way into an Elysium Pyramid and steal data. Can the Dravani forces stop them before it’s too late?

METAL VS. PLASTIC – A light hearted questionnaire to discover whether you’re a militant purist or a plastic-loving geek!

ARENA OF DEATH, PART 2 – Part 2 of Dragonrune Miniatures’ savage arena combat game. This month special rules, animals and other beasties!

VOID, THE LAST BROADCAST – The 8th scenario in the Guxiss online campaign. Can you defend a transmitter until it has completed its final broadcast?

YOUR ASSIGNMENT FOR TODAY – A Rezolution scenario, or story based assignment, break in hack the data and upload a virus – with a twist!

WARGODS, RANDOM ENCOUNTERS – An expanded list of subplots for Wargods of Aegyptus. You’re games just got even deeper!

SPOTLIGHT ON – Martian Empires. The British Empire Vs. The red planet’s inhabitants! ‘Nuff said! Black Hat Miniatures’ inspired new game.

MASTERCLASS PAINTING – The grey-scale technique for painting flesh. Paul Batchelor investigates the other end of the light spectrum: Shadows.

Plus all the usual news, reviews, previews and your very own painted miniatures in the showcase!