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#307 "Force of Nature, The Return to Mount Doom"

By: Games Workshop

Type: Magazine

Product Line: White Dwarf Magazine #301 - #350

MSRP old price: $6.00

Product Info

#307 "Force of Nature, The Return to Mount Doom"
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Force of Nature (Warhammer)
Wood Elf designers' notes

Painting Workshop - Wood Elves (Warhammer)
Tips and color palettes for painting your Wood Elf models

Modeling Masterclass - Building a Waystone (Warhammer)
Modeling a terrain piece appropriate for Wood Elf battles

The Wayfarer’s Companion to the Norse Colony of Skeggi (Warhammer)
A guide and rules for the Norse and their settlement in Lustria

Modeling and Painting Showcase – Skeggi Tribes (Warhammer)
GW staff members show off their conversions of Lustrian Norsemen

Warhammer Chronicles – Mistresses of the Jungle (Warhammer)
Rules for Anakonda’s Amazons, a new Regiment of Renown

Assault on Hexacoatl (Warhammer)
A showcase of this year’s French Games Day display table

Master of Skulls (Warhammer)
Converting models for the army of Morghur

Battle Report: In Defense of Athel Loren (Warhammer)
Pete Haines’s greenskins trespass on the lands of Mat Ward’s Wood Elves

All Creatures Great and Small (Warhammer 40,000)
Two possible approaches toward composing a Tyranid army

Tyranid Invasion! (Warhammer 40,000)
Some suggested color schemes for the Tyranid hordes

Tyranid Invasion! (Warhammer 40,000)
A scenario for the last stage of a Tyranid invasion and modeling digestion pools

Modeling Workshop – Tyranid Carnifexes (Warhammer 40,000)
A slew of modeling options for this great beast from the hive fleet

To Kill a Tyranid (Warhammer 40,000)
Anti-Tyranid tactics

The Return to Mount Doom (The Lord of The Rings)
Rules for heroes in the Last Alliance campaign

The Might of the Dwarves (The Lord of The Rings)
Adam Troke’s tournament Dwarf force

The Ruins of Osgiliath (The Lord of The Rings)
Modeling instructions for creating ruined buildings

One Ring to Rule Them All (The Lord of The Rings)
A preview of the latest edition of The Lord of The Rings strategy battle game

The Lord of The Rings – Golden Demon Painting Showcase (The Lord of The Rings)
Winning entries from British and Italian Games Days

Enemy at the Gates (The Lord of The Rings)
Special rules for siege defenses