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Castles II - Siege & Conquest (PC CD-Rom)

By: Interplay

Type: Software (boxed)

Product Line: Computer Games (Interplay)


Last Stocked on 8/6/2022

Product Info

Castles II - Siege & Conquest (PC CD-Rom)
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Welcome to the world of CASTLES II: Siege & Conquest. This game is intended to test your skills as an Administrator, a Military Leader, and a Politician. During the course of play, you must maintain the delicate balance between the Administrator, Military, and Political functions of your dominion. The names of the Lords and the territories in CASTLES II: Siege & Conquest are based on 14th century France, a tumultuous period in European history, which was marked by the prolonged conflict of The Hundred Years War. This century was marked by chaos, as the struggle for land in France had a high cost in human life. The blood of English and French soldiers saturated the soil and the peasants of these lands were forcefully removed from their homes, raped, or killed.

The Lords of territories battled each other in an attempt to ex pand their realms. When a Lord conquered new lands, he would build Castles there to substantiate his power over the newly acquired territory. Your mission is to unite the territories of the mythical land of Bretagne in the midst of this bloody turmoil and eventually become King. It really is a formidable task, one that requires intestinal fortitude, cunning, and risk taking. If you possess these qualities, you are ready to accept the challenge of CASTLES II: Siege & Conquest!