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#18 "Wargods New Units, 2000AD Painting Guide, Starship Troopers Scenario"

By: Griffin Miniatures

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Harbinger Magazine

Last Stocked on 12/29/2024

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#18 "Wargods New Units, 2000AD Painting Guide, Starship Troopers Scenario"
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ASAR WARHAWKS: A new unit for Crocodile Games' Wargods of Aegyptus straight from Fitz and Des themselves! Falcon headed, devoted to lives of martial perfection, the Warhawks are an elite troop type like nothing you've seen before!

STARSHIP TROOPERS, BREAKOUT: Phil Walling brings us a scenario for Mongoose's new licensing-leviathan. Can Tiger Squad successfully rescue Theta Squad before the bug-scum overrun them all? MINER The 6th scenario for the Guxiss online campaign. Mining rights' are under contention and the destruction of a mining vehicle and the advantage it brings could mean victory or defeat.

REZOLUTION, A DARK TOMORROW DEMO GAME: Tony Kenealy brings us a battle report of an out of the box demo game between the CSO and APAC. A cool way to see a cool new game played out!

CONFRONTATION, THE DRUNES: Graham Clarke continues his closer look' at Rackahm's various forces. This month it's the turn of the dangerous and bloodthirsty Drune Clan.

TOOLS OF THE TRADE: Which cases are the best? Minis are valuable, so is the time spent painting them so make sure you have the right carrying case for the job, this article will tell you what's hot and what's not.

WARGODS, THE DAUGHTER OF THE PHOENIX: A brand new specialist for Wargods of Aegyptus by Chris Fitzpatrick and Des Hanle! She's hot, she's deadly and she can be yours! Wargods fans cannot afford to miss this!

URBAN WAR, COMPULSORY BASIC TRAINING: Tom Wakeford and Rich Scott give us a battle report from Rich's first game of Urban War. Carnage, destruction and good time are on the cards!

THE CORRUPTED, SALUTE PARTICIPATION GAME SCENARIO: Graham Clarke lays out the RagNarok participation scenario from Salute 2005. If you missed it now's your chance to recreate the alliances and bloodshed that filled so many people's Saturday afternoon.

SPOTLIGHT ON: OPERATION OVERLORD: A closer look at one of the hottest WWII skirmish games to hit the shelves. Italeri's new game is gaining speed and this is your chance to see what it's all about.

MASTERCLASS PAINTING, 2000AD: Kevin Dallimore takes us through the colours and techniques required to recreate some of the most enduring characters in comics history. Foundry's 200AD range is awesome, now see how Kev painted them up! Plus all the usual news, reviews, previews and the showcase of your very own painted minis!