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#302 "The Sigmarites, On the Trail of a Tyrant, The Fall of the North Kingdoms"

By: Games Workshop

Type: Magazine

Product Line: White Dwarf Magazine #301 - #350

MSRP old price: $6.00

Product Info

#302 "The Sigmarites, On the Trail of a Tyrant, The Fall of the North Kingdoms"
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


10 - The Sigmarites

A history of the Church of Sigmar.

18 - Sigmarite Showcase

Models from the cult of the founder of the Empire by Dave Taylor and Steve Stiefel.

20 - The Art of Warhammer

Tactics for effective shooting in the WFB Shooting Phase.

24 - The Enemy Within

Threats to the Empire by Mutants and Cults.

30 - The Devoted

A showcase of models, with modeling and painting suggestions, converted to represent cultists and zealots.

34 - Appetite for Destruction

A discussion of general tactics for using Ogre Kingdoms armies.

42 - March of the Ogre Horde

Mark Bedford painting an Ogre Kingdoms army.

46 - Bugman's Lament, Part 4 of 4

The final part of the ongoing campaign for Bugman's Brewery (Part 3 in White Dwarf 300).

64 - Chapter Approved

A discussion of Abhumans and Mutants in the 41st millennium.

70 - Index Astartes - Rogue Suns

Renegade Space Marine Chapters.

76 - On the Trail of a Tyrant, Part 1

An involved tree campaign involving Space Marines and their traitorous or rival brethren (Part 2 in White Dwarf 303)

92 - On the Trail of a Tyrant Showcase

Model painted and converted for the Badab War campaign.

100 - Only War

Tactics for the Deployment Phase.

104 - How to Paint Space Marines

A preview of the forthcoming painting guide / hobby book.

106 - Darkness Falls Across the Shire

Designer's note for The Scouring of the Shire supplement.

112 - Battle Report: The Battle of Bywater

Hobbits vs. Ruffians.

122 - Farmer Maggot's Crop

A fun new scenario in which our favorite Hobbits steal grub from grouchy ol' Maggot.

124 - Scenery Workshop

Recreating the Scoured Shire.

130 - Painting Hobbit Characters

Painting Fatty Bolger, Bandobras Took, Farmer Maggot and his dogs, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, and Paladin Took.

134 - Scenery Workshop

Making Hobbit Holes.

140 - The Fall of the North Kingdom

The history and warriors of the kingdom of Arnor.