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Pax Draconis (Premier Edition)

By: Technicraft Design

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Pax Draconis

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Pax Draconis (Premier Edition)
Product Line
Justin Dagna
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


The Pax Draconis RPG, Premier Edition is the final release of the game, incorporating many changes from the pre-release edition, which sold out in late 2002.

What are the differences?

New artwork! Nearly all of the original artwork has been replaced with high quality original pieces.

Improved Referencing. Starting characters now have their starting equipment weights listed to reduce look-up. The index has been expanded even further.

Revised Computer Rules. The new rules reduce book-keeping, simplify statistics and streamline the use of computers both in and out of combat.

Revised Vehicle Damage: New rules for vehicle damage makes vehicle sheets easier to prepare, and reduced book-keeping for repairing damage.

More Revised Rules: Rules throughout the book have been streamlined or revised to reflect player feedback.

Major Topic Areas:

Chapter 1: Background
This section introduces the setting background, introduces the major sentient species and major philosophical influences.

Chapter 2: Characters
Character creation covers ten attributes, nine Career Areas and 72 total specialties, each with starting skills and equipment. Players can create custom races and flesh out their characters or take advantage of the system to speed through creation.

Chapter 3: Players
Players get a quick introduction to the core mechanic for skill tests, a definition of skills and a look at their role during play.

Chapter 4: The Gamemaster
Gamemasters need all the assistance they can get. Here, pre-defined skill tests provide extra detail for common situations. Advice on designing and running scenarios covers the basics for new GMs, with tips even old hands can use.

Chapter 5: Equipment
What's science fiction without equipment? Vehicles, guns, armor, computers, tools and much more is available here – everything players will need to play.

Chapter 6: Combat
Pax Draconis features a quick and detailed combat system with room for tactical thinking and flexible combat rounds. Attack tests, movement guides, damage rules, special weapons like explosives and recovery all get treatment.

Chapter 7: Vehicles
Everyone wants stunt flying and combat, and they'll find it here. But sensors and other systems receive extensive treatment for those who want to use ships in peace.

Chapter 8: Computers
If people think dogfights when they think vehicles, hacking always comes to mind with computers and information warriors won't be disappointed by a realistic non-virtual system that's still easy for non-technical players to pick up. And for those who'll use computers to do research, vehicle operation, surveillance and more, the chapter focuses on computer support roles, not hacking.

Chapter 9: The Savants
Savants are symbiotes, combining with a being from hyperspace that grants them seemingly magic or psychic abilities. Their abilities are described in detail, as well as savants' roles in history.

Chapter 10: The Galaxy
34 sectors and more than 200 planets await those who demand a rich galaxy to explore. There's plenty of room for the GM to add custom planets, but most find plot ideas jumping out from one interesting planet after another.