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Stash - The Adult "Drug" Game

By: Q.E.D. Games

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Stash - The Adult Party Game

tube game

Last Stocked on 9/5/2005

Product Info

Stash - The Adult "Drug" Game
Publish Year
NKG Part #


You and up to 4 other dealers travel around an outer track buying drugs and picking up the Rock Concert card. You buy drugs and then you can enter the inner map which is a representation of New York neighborhoods in an attempt to sell them.

The more money you make selling drugs the more you can skim off some of the drugs to get high on. Getting high gives you karma points but beware the bad trips. If you gain 40 karma, you win.

Stash includes:
*Corrupt Cops!
*Rock Concerts!
*Singles Bars!
*False Bottom Suitcases!
*Loan Sharks!
*Psycho Wards!
*Funny Money!
*And…enough drugs to keep the CIA in business for years! (any resemblance to actual drugs or government agencies is purely coincidental!

In other words, Stash includes everything you need for a few hours of legal fun.