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Secrets of the Dragon

By: AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group)

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Legend of the Five Rings (d20)

Product Info

Secrets of the Dragon
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


"Enlightenment cannot be found by searching for it, and yet it cannot be found by doing nothing." - Togashi Satsu, Dragon Clan Champion

Secrets of the Dragon explores that most mysterious of clans, the Dragon. Though they avoid politics and shun entangling alliances, the Way of the Dragon always affects the Empire profoundly whenever the clan's strange tattooed mystics, brilliant swordsmen, and powerful shugenja choose to climb down from their mountain retreats.

Within you will find:

* The history, traditions, and holdings of the Dragon families: Mirumoto, Tamori, Kitsuki, and the Three Orders of tattoed monks - Hitomi, Togashi, and Hoshi

* New mechanics for Dragon characters, including Kitsuki courtier abilities, new swordsman techniques, and new mystic tattoos

* A unique new perspective on the Empire's history, seen through the eyes of a Dragon

* A detailed description of the Tamori Tunnels, a dangerous pit of corruption and evil in the heart of Dragon lands

* The strangest mysteries of the enlightened Dragon Clan revealed

This book is a dual-system supplement for the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game, Second Edition, and Rokuga, the d20 Companion for Legend of the five Rings. Players and DMs may also find it useful as a source of interesting new feats and abilities for any d20 System campaign.