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Faceman/Snoop Class Guide

By: AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group)

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Spycraft 1.0 (d20)

Product Info

Faceman/Snoop Class Guide
Product Line
Alexander Flagg, Clayton A. Oliver
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Faceman/Snoop Class Guide contains all the rules necessary to create the ultimate faceman or snoop. Immerse your team in a world of shadows where danger and deceit lurk, and only the quick-witted, charming, and clever survive.

The Spycraft Intelligence Guide! Everything an agent needs to successfully navigate the perilous world of intelligence gathering, with and without Agency assistance, including expanded education and favor checks (and many new specialist options), as well as details concerning intelligence to further your team's goals.


Investigation Rules! New and advanced rules covering the many methods of gathering data in the field, from ultramodern computer and surveillance gear use to massaging (or squeezing) witnesses and informants for critical clues. New rules include interrogation, brainwashing, expanded contacts, plus many new disposition options and effects.

12 new Prestige Classes! Play a crafty Con Artist, a shrewd Negotiator, a stakeout Sentry, one of the electronic inquisitors known only as Oracles, and more!

New Backgrounds!

New Departments! Four new departments and two new macro-departments, allowing players to design agents with intelligence agency training and extensive contact networks.

Expanded Departments! Notes for designing snoops from any of the first eight departments.

New skill uses, including expanded rules for bluffing, diplomacy, intimidation, and many new profession and knowledge options!

Expanded skill cooperation rules and many new skill synergies! " Expanded gambling rules!

New feats to expand the style tree! Now agents can trade on their reputations around the world!

New bundles and gear options! " New gadgets designed just for facemen and snoops (but perfectly useful to an agent of any class).