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Counter Collection #1 - The Usual Suspects

By: Fiery Dragon Productions

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Counter Collections (Fiery Dragon) (d20)

MSRP old price: $12.95

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Product Info

Counter Collection #1 - The Usual Suspects
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Counter Collection I: The Usual Suspects contains a large set of 450+ colored counters to aid in tabletop conflict resolution, plus an 8-page adventure. These counters are based on a 1-inch equals 5-foot scale. Therefore, medium-sized creatures occupy a standard one-inch square counter. Before beginning play, carefully remove the counter pages and punch out the perforated counters.

The counters come in two types: characters and monsters. Character counters provide a blank space at the bottom for the character's name. For game purposes, the arrow in the top left corner indicates the direction that character is facing. Monster counters have a small arrow in the top left corner indicating direction, as well as a blank square at the bottom right, allowing the GM to assign numbers to multiple monsters of the same type. For example, the party may encounter four bugbears, which would be numbered 1 to 4. The GM can then keep track of the individual hit points and actions according to which particular bugbear is involved in the resulting combat.

Monster counters are not labled with monster type, as many characters may encounter creatures for the first time and out-of-character knowledge of the monster may prove to be an unfair advantage. The GM should use this to his or her advantage. For instance, rather than saying, "You encounter four bugbears," the GM might say, "You encounter four large goblinoids," then place the appropriate counters on your battle grid for the players to see the picture. When you play with a Fiery Dragon adventure, you bring more to the table!