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Quest for the Ideal Mate

By: Avalon Hill

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Board Games - Assorted (Avalon Hill)

Product Info

Quest for the Ideal Mate
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #
Age Range
18 Years and Up
# Players
3 - 12 Players
Game Length
90 Minutes


It's here!... the revolutionary new game that replaces dating bureaus, singles bars, sex therapy and marriage counseling. CAUTION: It is not for monks, nuns or hermits. Quest for the Ideal Mate is a game for the liberated male and female. You will discover who you are, who others are--and what you can be together! Playing with 3 to 12 friends, strangers, lovers, marital partners (or any combination of these). It could result in a single person discovering their ideal mate within the group. You'll laugh your head off at the responses of the other players while awaiting what's in store for you.

Shirl Solomon, internationally known handwriting analyst, author and lecturer on personality and compatibility has created Quest for the Ideal Mate to provide an entertaining diversion for people to get to know each other. One game will tell you more about someone's hidden character than a dozen dates and bare feelings on countless subjects that would not surface in a normal relationship until too late.