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Regency Sourcebook, The - Keepers of the Flame


Type: Softcover

Product Line: Traveller - The New Era

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Regency Sourcebook, The - Keepers of the Flame
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The Regency Returns: Since 1979 the Spinward Marches have been the birthplace of most Traveller campaigns. Although the Marches have undergone changes and felt their share of hard knocks, they have endured. And whether you think of the area as the Spinward Marches, the Domain of Deneb, or the Regency, it is still home sweet home, and it has now returned, in all of its multi-faceted glory, for Traveller: The New Era.

Keepers of the Flame: The citizens of the Regency are citizens of the Third Imperium. They are the reverent guardians and sturdy repository of all that was great in that society, and they are pledged to carry its light back into the darkened universe.

But this has not been easy. The effort to keep the Virus at bay took the better part of two generations, and absorned most of the energy and productive capacity this society had. And now, with the great external threat seeming to recede, old repressed rivalries are re-emerging, just as the Regency is poised to spring again into the stars.

Enemies Within and Without: The Regency is burdened with a restive class of disenfranchised nobility, shunted aside by the wave of democratic reforms. Aslan Ihatei squatters within the Regency borders, never quite assimilated into human society, are beginning to call attention to their demands, both from the Regency government and from their clan brethren outside the Regency border. Vargr splinter groups, driven into the Regency with the decimation of their own societies, will stop at nothing to fuel the recovery of their homeworlds in the Wilds. Sword World irredentism is again on the rise. And as if that weren't enough, their stable neighbors the Zhodani now seem to be coming completely apart, wracked by internal war and flooding the Regency with waves of refugees.