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Judge Dredd - Novels (Games Workshop) Novels

The Judge Dredd comics appeared in the 2000AD magazine and featured a post-nuclear world where civilization is packed together in Mega Cities. These cities cover several states and are populated by millions, 'every one of them a potential criminal'. For various 'historical' reasons the Judges, a police force with the combined authority of Cop, Prosecutor, Judge, and Jury (and sometimes Executioner), handle the law in the Mega Cities. The toughest and fairest of them is Judge Dredd.

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1-5 of 5 Products

Judge Dread - Blaze of Glory

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Judge Dredd - Novels (Games Workshop)

A-Z of Judge Dredd, The

A-Z of Judge Dredd, The

By: St. Martin's Press

Product Line: Judge Dredd (d20)

ABC Warriors #2 - Rage Against the Machines

By: Games Workshop

Stock #: GAWBF002

Product Line: Judge Dredd - Novels (Games Workshop)

Strontium Dog #4 - Day of the Dogs

Strontium Dog #4 - Day of the Dogs

By: Games Workshop

Stock #: GAWBF003

Product Line: Judge Dredd - Novels (Games Workshop)

Swine Fever

Swine Fever

By: Games Workshop

Stock #: GAWBF057

Product Line: Judge Dredd - Novels (Games Workshop)