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Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing) Novels

The world of Fighting Fantasy, peopled by Orcs, dragons, zombies and vampires, has captured the imagination of millions of readers world-wide. Thrilling adventures of sword and sorcery come to life in the Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks, where the reader is the hero, dicing with death and demons in search of villains, treasure or freedom. Now YOU can create your own Fighting Fantasy adventures and send your friends off on dangerous missions! Fighting Fantasy is the ideal introduction to the fast-growing world of role-playing games, and literally countless adventures await you!

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1-20 of 28 Products

Warlock of Firetop Mountain, The

By: Dell Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing)

(cover loose)

Citadel of Chaos, The

By: Dell Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing)

Island of the Lizard King

By: Dell Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing)

Caverns of the Snow Witch (1985 printing)

By: Dell Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing)

Forest of Doom, The

Forest of Doom, The

By: Dell Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing)

Starship Traveller

Starship Traveller

By: Dell Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing)

City of Thieves

Deathtrap Dungeon

Scorpion Swamp

Caverns of the Snow Witch

Caverns of the Snow Witch

By: Dell Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing)

House of Hades

Talisman of Death

Talisman of Death (1985 printing)

Talisman of Death (1985 printing)

By: Dell Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing)

Space Assassin

Space Assassin (1985 printing)

Space Assassin (1985 printing)

By: Dell Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing)

Freeway Fighter

Freeway Fighter (1986 Printing)

Freeway Fighter (1986 Printing)

By: Dell Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing)

Temple of Terror

Temple of Terror (1986 printing)

Temple of Terror (1986 printing)

By: Dell Publishing

Product Line: Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Dell Publishing)