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Dystopian Wars - Alliance Nations - Australians (1/600) Miniatures - Steampunk

Not all of the inhabitants of Australia supported the rebellion against Britannian rule that occurred in the early 1840s. The states of Western and South Australia declared outright for the crown Indeed, Lord Dinsley and the loyalists established their headquarters and the strongly fortified city of Adelaide, capital of Australia. Here they awaited reinforcements from New Zealand, which remained loyal, capitalizing upon their control of Adelaide’s excellent harbor. The rapidity with which those reinforcements arrived, securing the island state of Tasmania on the way, contributed much to the halting of the rebels before they had a chance to heavily influence the remaining states.

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Naval Battle Group

By: Spartan Games

Stock #: SPGDWAL26    Year: 2013

Type: Minis Box Set

Product Line: Dystopian Wars - Alliance Nations - Australians (1/600)

24 figures