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Judge Dredd Miniatures - Punks & Juves (Mongoose Publishing) Miniatures - Science Fiction

Every block has at least one gang, a collection of social misfits and brutal youths that ruthlessly control their territory. Gang members do not spend all their time committing crimes or fighting their rivals. Many spend their time simply hanging round in various parts of their block. Plazas, shopping malls and mezzanines are favorite hanging places, although many favor the likes of vehicle bays or some seedy bar. A street gang will usually outnumber its enemies and will be armed to the teeth, though it usually lacks sophisticated weaponry.

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1-11 of 11 Products

Juve Girl w/Handgun

Juve Psychic

Juve w/Club 1

Juve w/Handgun & Club

Juve w/Handgun 1

Juve w/Handgun 2

Juve w/Handgun 3

Punk w/Heavy Spit Gun

Punk w/Laser Rifle

Street Gang