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Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal) Miniatures - Fantasy

Products from Games Workshop

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1-20 of 44 Products

(partially painted, out of print, missing helmet vanes)
(primed, out of print)
(out of print)

Morannon Orcs #1

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal)

3 figures

(out of print )

Mordor Goblin Collection #1

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal)

4 figures

(skillfully painted, out of print)

Mordor Orc Bowmen Collection #5

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal)

5 figures

(painted, out of print)

Mordor Orc Trackers Collection #4

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal)

4 figures

(skillfully painted, out of print)

Mordor Orc w/Twohanded Axe #1

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal)

(primed, out of print)

Mordor Orc Warriors Collection #13

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal)

4 figures

(painted, out of print)

Mordor Uruk-Hai Collection #12

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal)

9 figures

(skillfully painted, out of print)

Mordor Uruk-Hai Command #1

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal)

2 figures

(skillfully painted, out of print)

Mordor Uruk-Hai Crossbows #1

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal)

3 figures

(skillfully painted, out of print)
(catapult only)
(painted, out of print)
(primed, out of print, repairs needed)
(primed, out of print)
(primed, out of print)

Mounted Ringwraith Collection #9

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal)

2 figures

(primed, out of print)
(primed, out of print)

Nazgul #8 ( The Shadow Lord )

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Lord of the Rings - Mordor - Loose Miniatures (Metal)

(missing right arm, some reassembly required, out of print)