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Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm) Miniatures - Fantasy

The Formori are the sea dwellers who come to the land to conquer, with little in the way of lofty ideals, it is for avarice and cruelty that they quest. Terror from the waters of Erin. Fomori grow in stature as they age with Pucci being the smallest and the mighty elder Heroes the largest.

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Fomori Pucci Horde

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACMB5

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

20 figures

MSRP $39.95

Fomori Warband

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACMB2

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

10 figures

MSRP $39.95

Fomorian Champion

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM4-02

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

MSRP $7.95

Fomorian Hero Norc

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM4-01

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

MSRP $15.95

Fomorian Shield

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM7-03

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

4 pcs.

MSRP $2.95

Fomorian Spellweaver

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM6-01

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

Fomorian Storm Warriors

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM7

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

2 figures

Fomorian Stormwarrior Champion - Greatsword

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM7-02

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

MSRP $7.95

Fomorian Stormwarrior Champion - Sword and Shield

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM7-01

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

MSRP $7.95

Fomorian Warrior - Spear

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM13-02

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

Fomorian Warrior - Spear and Raised Shields

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM13-03

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

Fomorian Warrior - Spear and Shield

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM13-01

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

MSRP $3.49

Fomorian Warrior - Sword

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM16-02

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

Fomorian Warrior - Sword and Raised Shield

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM16-03

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

Fomorian Warrior - Sword and Shield

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM16-01

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

Gritch the Pukki

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM5-02

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

Indech Half Hand Fomorian Druid

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM25

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

MSRP $14.49

Lord of the Fomorians Culach

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM5-01

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

MSRP $18.95

Pucci Bearer Beneath Shield

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM30-05

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)

Pucci Bearer w/Greatsword

By: Alternative Armies

Stock #: ATACM30-01

Product Line: Erin - The Game of Celtic Myth Miniatures - Fomorians (28mm)