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Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Albainn, Fortriu (32mm) Miniatures - Fantasy

Known to the Byzantii (and the Romanii before them) as the Pictii and renowned for their fierce savagery, the Albainn resisted their invasions for hundreds of years but resist those of others still, for many yet covet the lands in the north, wild as they are. The brutal Norse raid the coasts of Alba with increasing ferocity, as they do most lands, yet the Fomoraic and the Érainn and the Angelcynn pose a greater threat to the seven kingdoms as their kings well know. It is the reason Fortriu and Cait and Circin and the other descendants of Cruthin call upon their ancient pacts with greater frequency now more than ever, pacts that ensure the Oghu stones they revere awaken with primeval might and the Oghur and the Oghurüc and the Oghurithne descend from the mountains to turn back the hordes of their enemies.

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41-47 of 47 Products

Rubeg - Oghurithne Warrior

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMABN-FTU-3205    Year: 2015

Type: Minis Pack

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Albainn, Fortriu (32mm)

6 pcs.

Skugadd - Oghur Warrior

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMABN-FTU-3304    Year: 2015

Type: Minis Pack

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Albainn, Fortriu (32mm)

3 pcs.

Spears of Dun Durn - Gairlom Unit (Metal)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMABN-FTU-2200-110    Year: 2017

Type: Minis Pack

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Albainn, Fortriu (32mm)

10 figures

Spears of Dun Durn - Gairlom Unit w/Command (Metal)

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMABN-FTU-2200-010    Year: 2017

Type: Minis Pack

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Albainn, Fortriu (32mm)

10 figures

Undagg - Oghur Warrior

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMABN-FTU-3305    Year: 2015

Type: Minis Pack

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Albainn, Fortriu (32mm)

5 pcs.

Ungad - Oghurithne

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMABN-FTU-3251    Year: 2017

Type: Minis Pack

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Albainn, Fortriu (32mm)

6 pcs.

Wrad - Oghurithne Hunter Warrior

By: Mierce Miniatures

Stock #: MRMABN-FTU-3253    Year: 2017

Type: Minis Pack

Product Line: Darklands Miniatures - Kingdoms of the Albainn, Fortriu (32mm)

7 pcs.