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MTG - From the Vault - Exiled Magic: The Gathering

It is said there were once fifteen Magic: The Gathering cards so potent, they were banned or restricted from the known realms of competition. But in the years that have passed, the game has evolved and these elder cards are once again in play. Master these weapons from ages past and give your opponent a beating of historic proportions.

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1-16 of 16 Products

Strip Mine (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Balance (MR) (Foil)

Balance (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Berserk (MR) (Foil)

Berserk (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Channel (MR) (Foil)

Channel (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


From the Vault - Exiled

From the Vault - Exiled

By: Wizards of the Coast

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled

15 cards

Gifts Ungiven (MR) (Foil)

Gifts Ungiven (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Goblin Lackey (MR) (Foil)

Goblin Lackey (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Kird Ape (MR) (Foil)

Kird Ape (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Lotus Petal (MR) (Foil)

Lotus Petal (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Mystical Tutor (MR) (Foil)

Mystical Tutor (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Necropotence (MR) (Foil)

Necropotence (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Sensei's Divining Top (MR) (Foil)

Sensei's Divining Top (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Serendib Efreet (MR) (Foil)

Serendib Efreet (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Skullclamp (MR) (Foil)

Skullclamp (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Tinker (MR) (Foil)

Tinker (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled


Trinisphere (MR) (Foil)

Trinisphere (MR) (Foil)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: FtV: Exiled

Product Line: MTG - From the Vault - Exiled
