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War Games

Conflict is at the heart of human civilization, with the whole of history and the wildest speculations for the future, war games offer a huge variety of conflict simulations for even the most discerning of gamers.

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121-180 of 17,136 Products

Best Seller

Bull Run

  $9.00 to $9.50
(counters clipped)

Dog Boats - Battle of the Narrow Seas

By: Compass Games

Stock #: CPS1165

Product Line: War Games - World War II (Compass Games)

MSRP $69.00

Donnerschlag - Escape from Stalingrad

By: Vuca Simulations

Product Line: War Games (Vuca Simulations)

MSRP $78.00

Fire in the Blue

By: Acies Edizioni

Product Line: War Games (Acies Edizioni)

MSRP $65.95

Fire in the Lake - Sovereign of Discord

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMT2316

Product Line: Coin Series

MSRP $51.00

Best Seller

Gung Ho!

  $65.00 to $89.95

Gung Ho!

By: Avalon Hill

Stock #: AVH8233

Product Line: Squad Leader - Advanced Squad Leader (Avalon Hill)

(unpunched, uncut)

In Harm's Way

By: High Flying Dice Games

Product Line: World War II War Games w/Mounted Counters

MSRP $41.00

Into the Woods - The Battle of Shiloh

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMT2124

Product Line: Great Battles of the American Civil War

MSRP $59.00

Last Hundred Yards, The - Volume 1 (2nd Printing)

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMT1902-22

Product Line: Non-Series War Games - World War II

MSRP $64.00

Best Seller

Omaha Beachhead

  $9.00 to $9.00

Omaha Beachhead

By: Victory Games

Stock #: VIC30023

Product Line: War Games - World War II (Victory Games)

(rules VG+)

Panzers Last Stand

By: Gamers, The


Product Line: Battalion Combat Series

MSRP $166.00

Peloponnesian War, The

By: Victory Games

Stock #: VIC30034

Product Line: War Games - Pre-WWII (Victory Games)

Best Seller

Risorgimento 1859

  $40.00 to $48.95

Risorgimento 1859

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMT0008

Product Line: Non-Series War Games - 1800-1939

(6" tear in shrink, shrink still firmly in place)

Save South Vietnam!

By: Fortress Games

Product Line: War Games (Fortress Games)

MSRP $69.00

Seven Days Battles, The - 1862

By: Worthington Publishing

Stock #: WOGWPUB082

Product Line: Wargames (Worthington)

MSRP $85.00

Source of the Nile, The

By: Avalon Hill

Stock #: AVH6315

Product Line: War Games - Assorted (Avalon Hill)

(rules and cards VG, box notated)
(rules and cards VG)

Squad Leader (4th Edition)

By: Avalon Hill

Stock #: AVH822-80

Product Line: Squad Leader (Avalon Hill)

(rulebook Fair+)

Viva Mexico - The Mexican Revolution 1910-1920

By: White Dog Games

Product Line: War Games (White Dog Games)

#102 w/Monty's D-Day


Product Line: Strategy & Tactics #101 - #150

MSRP $7.50

#107 w/Operation Isabella

By: Compass Games

Stock #: CPSPW107

Product Line: Paper Wars Magazine w/Games (Compass Games)

MSRP $46.95

#139 w/Arabian Nightmare - The Kuwait War


Product Line: Strategy & Tactics #101 - #150

MSRP $16.00


#345 w/Tanks of August

By: Decision Games

Stock #: DCGST345

Product Line: Strategy & Tactics #301 - Present

MSRP $49.99

Best Seller

#67 w/Stonewall

  $10.00 to $12.00

#67 w/Stonewall


Product Line: Strategy & Tactics #051 - #100

(rules loose, unpunched)
(rules loose, unpunched)

#95 w/Khalkin Gol War

By: Decision Games

Stock #: DCGWW95

Product Line: World at War Magazine #51 - #100

MSRP $49.99

Al Nofi's Imperium Romanum

By: Decision Games

Stock #: DCG1039

Product Line: Non-Series Games (Decision Games)

MSRP $150.00

(8" tear in shrink, shrink still firmly in place)

Antietam - September 17, 1862 (2nd Edition)

By: Worthington Publishing

Stock #: WOGWPUB037-2

Product Line: Wargames (Worthington)

MSRP $75.00

Armageddon War - Armored Combat in the End War

By: Flying Pig Games

Stock #: FPG5000

Product Line: Armageddon War (Flying Pig Games)

MSRP $135.00

Death in the Trenches - The Great War 1914-1918

By: Compass Games

Stock #: CPS1068

Product Line: War Games - World War I (Compass Games)

MSRP $79.00

Enemy Action - Kharkov

By: Compass Games

Stock #: CPS1121

Product Line: War Games - World War II (Compass Games)

MSRP $125.00

Ghost Panzer (Remastered 2nd Edition)

By: Worthington Publishing

Stock #: WOGWPUB011

Product Line: Band of Brothers (Worthington)

MSRP $75.00

(1/2 unpunched)

Gulf Strike (1st Edition)

By: Victory Games

Stock #: VIC30000-1E

Product Line: War Games - Post-World War II (Victory Games)

(rules notated)
(95% unpunched)

Hungarian Rhapsody

By: Gamers, The

Stock #: TGM4-18/50

Product Line: Operational Combat Series

MSRP $140.00

Imperial Struggle (1st Printing)

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMT2001

Product Line: Non-Series War Games - Pre-1800

MSRP $59.00

(unpunched, cards sealed)

Lamps are Going Out, The - World War I (2nd Edition)

By: Compass Games

Stock #: CPS1116

Product Line: War Games - World War I (Compass Games)

MSRP $75.00

Best Seller

MBT (1st Edition)

  $9.00 to $14.00

MBT (1st Edition)

By: Avalon Hill

Stock #: AVH882

Product Line: War Games - Modern (Post World War II) (Avalon Hill)

(rules VG)
(counters clipped)
(75% unpunched)
(95% unpunched)

Mud & Blood - The Campaign of Lodz 1914

By: Three Crowns Game Productions

Product Line: War Games (Three Crowns Game Productions)

MSRP $58.95

ONUS! - Pack

By: Draco Ideas

Product Line: ONUS!

MSRP $78.95

Paint it Black - The Attack on Lang Vei

By: High Flying Dice Games

Product Line: War Games w/Mounted Counters

MSRP $44.00

Best Seller

Panzer Command

  $18.00 to $35.00

Panzer Command

By: Victory Games

Stock #: VIC30008

Product Line: War Games - World War II (Victory Games)

(rules Fair+)

PanzerBlitz (2nd Edition)

By: Avalon Hill

Product Line: War Games - World War II - Land Combat (Avalon Hill)

Race for Bastogne - Seven Roads to Hell, 16-25 December 1944

By: Multi-Man Publishing


Product Line: Grand Tactical Series

MSRP $176.00

Richthofen's War (Slipcase Box)

By: Avalon Hill

Stock #: AVH811-SB

Product Line: War Games - World War I (Avalon Hill)

(no Mission Briefing manual)

Russian Campaign, The (3rd Edition)

By: Avalon Hill

Stock #: AVH718-3

Product Line: War Games - World War II - Land Combat (Avalon Hill)

(missing Hitler and one other German counter, rules notated)
(counters clipped)
(rules Fair)
(rules are a photocopy)
(rules and charts highlighted)

Three Days of Gettysburg, The (Revised Edition, 2nd Printing)

By: GMT Games

Stock #: GMT9505R

Product Line: Great Battles of the American Civil War

MSRP $89.00

(1/2 unpunched)
(1/2 unpunched)

Warfighter - WWII North Africa

By: Dan Verssen Games

Stock #: DV1-058

Product Line: Warfighter - WWII

MSRP $69.99

Best Seller

Wizard's Quest

  $15.00 to $17.00

Wizard's Quest

By: Avalon Hill

Stock #: AVH825

Product Line: War Games - Fantasy (Avalon Hill)

#141 w/Hannibal - The Second Punic War


Product Line: Strategy & Tactics #101 - #150

MSRP $13.75

(lightly notated)

#144 w/Chad - The Toyota Wars


Product Line: Strategy & Tactics #101 - #150

MSRP $15.00


#160 w/The Italian Campaign Series - Medwar


Product Line: Strategy & Tactics #151 - #200

MSRP $15.95

(counters clipped)

#175 w/Alsace 1944

By: Cerigo Editions

Stock #: VAJ175

Product Line: Vae Victis Magazine w/Games #122 - Present (Cerigo Editions, French)

MSRP $30.95

(includes English rules)

#31 w/Clash of Steel

By: 3W

Product Line: Wargamer Magazine - w/Games (3W)

MSRP $8.95


#35 w/Burma - The Forgotten War, 1943-1944

By: RBM Studios

Product Line: C3i Magazine (#28 - Present)

MSRP $45.00

#70 w/The Crusades


Product Line: Strategy & Tactics #051 - #100

(rules loose, unpunched)

#85 w/Fighting Sail


Product Line: Strategy & Tactics #051 - #100

(rules notated)

#99 w/Thunder at Luetzen


Product Line: Strategy & Tactics #051 - #100

MSRP $6.00

Best Seller

Alexander the Great

  $15.00 to $79.95

Alexander the Great

By: Avalon Hill

Stock #: AVH708

Product Line: War Games - Ancients - Up to 500 AD (Avalon Hill)

(75% unpunched)

ASL Overlay Bundle

By: Multi-Man Publishing

Stock #: MMPASL-OVL/40

Product Line: Advanced Squad Leader - Ziplocks

MSRP $48.00

B-17 - Queen of the Skies (2nd Printing)

By: Avalon Hill

Stock #: AVH851

Product Line: War Games - World War II - Aerial Combat (Avalon Hill)


Blitzkrieg (2nd Edition)

By: Avalon Hill

Stock #: AVH700

Product Line: War Games - World War II - Land Combat (Avalon Hill)

(1/2 unpunched)
Best Seller

Breakout - Normandy

  $32.00 to $44.00

Breakout - Normandy

By: Avalon Hill

Stock #: AVH894

Product Line: War Games - World War II - Land Combat (Avalon Hill)

(rules VG)
(95% unpunched)