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5461-5480 of 5,523 Products

William Wallace - Braveheart

By: Pitkin

Year: 1998

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Historical Books (Pitkin)

Wings of the Rising Sun

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPGM278    Year: 2018

Type: Novel - Hardcover

Product Line: General Military - World War II

Winter Campaign in Italy 1943

By: Osprey

Stock #: OSPCAM395    Year: 2023

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Campaign Series - World War II - Western Front

With the Old Breed

By: Random House

Year: 2007

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Historical Reference Books (Random House)

Witness Iraq - A War Journal, February-April 2003

By: PowerHouse Books

Stock #: 1-57687-200-9    Year: 2003

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Historical Books (PowerHouse Books)

Wolfhounds, The

By: Vantage Press

Year: 2002

Type: Novel - Softcover

Product Line: Military Books (Vantage Press)

Women at War 1939-45

By: Osprey

Year: 2001

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Men-at-Arms - World War II - Assorted

Wonderful World of Aircraft, The

By: Octopus/Heineman

Year: 1980

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Novels & Historical Books

World at War, The

By: Fontana Books

Year: 1974

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Historical Books (Fontana Books)