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Dungeons & Dragons - Collectible Miniatures Game - Desert of Desolation Singles Dungeons & Dragons

Cruel deserts and hostile wastelands hold creatures as nefarious and horrifying as any found in the darkest dungeons of the world. Can the champions of civilization hold back the monstrous horde spilling forth from these untamed lands? This latest D&D Miniatures Game release includes several remarkable D&D characters and popular D&D monsters. Several figures are drawn from key D&D titles, including the various Monster Manual supplements. Select figures also come with a second stat card featuring epic-level statistics.

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Dwarf Brawler (U) x5

Dwarf Brawler (U) x5

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCDOD03-5

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons - Collectible Miniatures Game - Desert of Desolation Singles

5 figures

Dwarf Maulfighter (U)

Dwarf Maulfighter (U) x5

Dwarf Maulfighter (U) x5

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCDOD04-5

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons - Collectible Miniatures Game - Desert of Desolation Singles

5 figures

Eternal Blade (U) x5

Eternal Blade (U) x5

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCDOD17-5

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons - Collectible Miniatures Game - Desert of Desolation Singles

5 figures

Farmer (C) x5

Feral Troll (R)

Fire Archon (R)

Flame Snake (C) x5

Flame Snake (C) x5

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCDOD42-5

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons - Collectible Miniatures Game - Desert of Desolation Singles

5 figures

Halfling Enchanter (U)

Large Fire Elemental (U)

Manticore Sniper (R)

Merchant Guard (C)

Nightmare - Humanoid Mount (R)

Nightmare - Humanoid Mount (R)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCDOD30

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons - Collectible Miniatures Game - Desert of Desolation Singles

Ravenous Ghoul (U) x5

Ravenous Ghoul (U) x5

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCDOD54-5

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons - Collectible Miniatures Game - Desert of Desolation Singles

5 figures

Sahuagin (U)

Shrieking Harpy (U)

Visejaw Crocodile (U) x5

Visejaw Crocodile (U) x5

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: WOCDOD22-5

Product Line: Dungeons & Dragons - Collectible Miniatures Game - Desert of Desolation Singles

5 figures