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High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games) Board Games

Products from Sierra Madre Games

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1-20 of 22 Products

High Frontier (3rd Edition) Collection - Base Game + 2 Expansions!

By: Sierra Madre Games

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

High Frontier (1st Edition)

By: Sierra Madre Games

Stock #: SMG28

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

MSRP $44.00

(cards sealed)
(cards sealed)

High Frontier (1st Edition) + Expansion

By: Sierra Madre Games

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

MSRP $83.95

(cards sealed)

High Frontier (2nd Edition)

By: Sierra Madre Games

Stock #: 4015566005402

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

MSRP $60.00

(uncut, cards sealed)

High Frontier (2nd Edition) w/Colonization Expansion (2nd Edition)

By: Sierra Madre Games

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

MSRP $89.99

High Frontier (2nd Edition) w/High Frontier Expansion!

By: Sierra Madre Games

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

MSRP $80.00

High Frontier - Colonization Expansion (1st Edition)

By: Sierra Madre Games

Stock #: SMG31-1E

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

MSRP $40.00

(cards sealed)

High Frontier - Colonization Expansion (2nd Edition)

By: Sierra Madre Games

Stock #: SMG31-2E

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

MSRP $29.99

(unpunched, cards sealed)

High Frontier Expansion

By: Sierra Madre Games

Stock #: SMG28A

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

(cards sealed)

High Frontier Mega Deluxe Tokens

By: Customeeple

Stock #: CTMEKL00020LT

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

210 pcs.

MSRP $89.95

High Frontier Module #2 - Colonization

By: Ion Game Design

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

MSRP $29.00

High Frontier Module #3 - Conflict

By: Ion Game Design

Stock #: SMG28-4.3

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

MSRP $25.00

High Frontier Upgrade Kit

By: Ion Game Design

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)


High Frontier (2nd Edition) - Map

High Frontier (2nd Edition) - Map

By: Sierra Madre Games

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

High Frontier (3rd Edition)

High Frontier (3rd Edition)

By: Sierra Madre Games

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

High Frontier (4th Edition)

High Frontier (4th Edition)

By: Ion Game Design

Stock #: MIBSMG284

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

High Frontier (4th Edition) (Kickstarter Bundle w/Module 0)

By: Ion Game Design

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

High Frontier (4th Edition) Playmat

By: Ion Game Design

Stock #: SMG28-4b

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

High Frontier - Basic Map

High Frontier - Basic Map

By: Sierra Madre Games

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)

High Frontier 6th Player Component Kit (4th Edition)

By: Ion Game Design

Stock #: SMG28-4A

Product Line: High Frontier (Sierra Madre Games)