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Phoenix Magazine, The Board Game Magazines

A British board gamers magazine with reviews, scenarios and more.

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#6 "Modifying Sniper & Patrol, Westwall Quad Reviewed, Montrose Scottish Campaign"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#7 "The Montrose Scenarios, Expedition to Castle Fil, Fire& Movement Magazine Reviewed"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#8 "Napoleon at Waterloo, Better Battles In Kingmaker, American Revolution 1776"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#10 "The Russo-Japanese War, Hidden Movement - A New Approach, How Not to Fight Rommel"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#11 "Basic Tactics - Napoleon At War, Bloody April Solo Game, Battlefleet Mars"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#12 "Winter War, Sixth Fleet, Airforce/Dauntless Reviewed"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#14 "Nato - Ralph Vickers, Feedback Results, Scenario - Fehrbellin"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#16 "Air Assault on Crete, Source of the Nile, Dresden"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#20 "Highway to the Reich, Nap's Last Battles Amendments, Right Hand Against Left Hand"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#26 "Freedom in the Galaxy, Alma, The Wargamer"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#27 "City-Fight, Airforce/Dauntless, Beastlord"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#28 "War in the Pacific, Aces High, Ironclads"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#30 "Schutztrupe, Lord of the Rings, Road to Richmond"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The

#34 "A Panorama of World War I Games, Black Horse, Red Star"

By: Simpubs

Product Line: Phoenix Magazine, The