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Pamean Games

Pamean Games was formally founded in 2011, although work on Brass & Steel began almost a year earlier. The three founding members share a lifelong interest in gaming. Their specialized professional skills in finance, science, and history have proven surprisingly helpful in designing a role-playing game. After years of playing games they decided that it was time to create a game of their own. They have tried to make a game that they would want to play, and hope that you’ll come to love it as well. They opted to work on a steampunk game partially because they are or know big giant costume nerds. They also share an abiding fascination with the fin-de-siecle period in European history, although their specific interests range from English country life to the fiery revolutionary underground. They often write about themselves using the third person, which makes banking surprisingly difficult.

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Brass & Steel (1.5 Edition)

By: Pamean Games

Product Line: Brass & Steel

MSRP $24.99

Case of the Croquet Mallet, The (Free RPG Day 2012)

By: Pamean Games

Product Line: Brass & Steel