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All Product Lines from Flying Buffalo

Flying Buffalo Inc. is a game company started in 1970 by Rick Loomis and Steve MacGregor. Our primary business is play by mail. That is, we act as the referee for multi-player, hidden-movement games that are played by the players sending their moves to Flying Buffalo every two weeks by postal mail, email, fax, or what ever. . . Our most popular play by mail game is the award-winning Starweb. We also publish role playing game books, such as Tunnels & Trolls, Mercenaries, Spies and PrivateEyes, and the Catalyst generic role playing books, such as the Citybooks and Grim tooth's Traps. And we publish the popular card game Nuclear War, along with 2 expansion sets and booster packs. We also are one of the publishers of "Lost World" combat picture books. Plus we produce many kinds of weird dice and some other stuff.